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Cybersecurity voucher helps Finnish SME companies in critical infrastructure

Written by Juha Haaga | November 30, 2022

Is your company registered in Finland, and operates in an industry that is critical for the functioning of society? Then the cybersecurity voucher launched by the Finnish government is for you. You should act quickly to take advantage of it, because the applications are processed in order of submission.

At Arctic Security, we know that investing into cybersecurity is not always easy, and it's even harder to figure out what would give best return on investment. But, it doesn't need to be complicated. How do you find out if Arctic EWS is a good choice for you? Well, we let you decide that for yourself. Our service comes with a free one month trial, so you can make sure that it is useful before you commit your voucher into the service. If there ever was a less risky choice, we haven't heard about it! You can fill the form on our website and sign up for the free month.

How do you know if you qualify to take advantage of this voucher? Here are some of the key points, but you should of course read the details on the Traficom website.

SMEs Large companies
Voucher value: 15 000 EUR Voucher value: 100 000 EUR
Up to 250 employees More than 250 employees
Annual turnover under 50M EUR or balance sheet total under 43M More than 50M annual revenue
Investment purpose: inspection and cybersecurity evaluation work on information systems, procurement to improve information security, staff training/other skills developments - similar activities that improve information security.

Investment purpose: attack prevention testing, testing of the preparedness level of the most important electronic services, and other measures based on these that directly improve information security.


You can check if there are still funds left in the voucher pool from the Traficom website. Our Arctic EWS, which stands for Early Warning Service, qualifies in both voucher categories, and the pricing of our service is below the value in both of these categories. You can afford to complement it with services from other vendors as well.

Step 1: Assess the company’s current security situation by CyberMeter (available on Traficom)

Step 2: Check if you’re eligible for the voucher 

Step 3: Apply (Traficom application e-form) 

Step 4: Receive and use the voucher 

Step 5: Measure & Report after 6 months of what the grant is used for & their effects on your security

If you are worried about how to document how you used the voucher properly, you will be happy to know that you can use the Arctic EWSs monthly reports to document how you have improved your security posture over time. It will show you what, and how many issues you had at the beginning of the project, and how you have resolved any known problems. These reports are also useful material to document to third parties that your business takes cybersecurity seriously.