As an aspiring landscape artist, getting out on location early in the evening with your easel, canvas, brushes and paints in tow is an exhilarating feeling. Even if my landscape kit consists of a tripod, camera body, lenses and SD cards, the feeling is the same.

I am there to:

  • Capture the light that illuminates and reveals the contours of the landscape in a way that pleases the eye.

  • Highlight details that a cursory glance would not dwell on.

  • Picture myself as the next Claude Monet, ready to create the new "Impression, soleil levant" -- at least in my mind.

The truth however, is that the end result is often good enough but not necessarily the next Monet. As an artist, I do understand that I tend to repeat the habits of capturing the scene in the way I and so many others have already done a million times over. Conformance does not inspire, yet rules must be broken in a way that recognizes their existence. What is art also depends on the viewer's preference, disposition and idea of art as a medium.

What does any of this have to do with describing cyber threats, you may ask?

Find out at the Public Exposure blog article: