The business and technological worlds both depend on our ability to identify and address problems. Whether we're creating these problems or finding solutions for them, it's all part of the problem-solving framework embedded in our upbringing and life experiences.

A Growing Concern: Is Cybersecurity an unsolvable problem?

A recent book by Scott Shapiro titled “Fancy Bear Goes Phishing” raised interesting points. Shapiro's assertion that there is no permanent solution to the cybersecurity problem challenges the common belief in 'solutionism' - the idea that every problem has a clear, definitive solution. This could have significant implications for how we approach and manage cybersecurity.

 Cyber threat prevention is a burgeoning global issue, the scale and continually increasing complexity. Interestingly, the interview pivots this discussion towards a human angle, emphasizing that cybersecurity problems are less about technology and more about human actions.

The Human Element in Cybercrime

Let's turn our attention to cybercrime's role within the broader cybersecurity context. Similar to physical crime prevention, cybercrime prevention also employs technical countermeasures. However, these don't necessarily halt crime but rather deter individuals or make them reconsider their intended actions. A determined criminal might just view these technical impediments as challenges to overcome. This holds true in the cyber landscape as well.

Social deterrents, like imprisonment, show limited effectiveness and even questionable utility in some global locales. This inefficiency, coupled with the convenience of committing cybercrimes and the meager prosecution rate (around 5%), makes cybercrime increasingly appealing to criminals. The potential for profit runs in the hundreds of billions, making the risk-reward ratio attractive.

The Power of Early Warning Systems

Despite the seemingly omnipresence of cybercrime, it's crucial to remember that technical barriers and monitoring solutions still have an effect. Awareness of your digital environment and the ones your partners operate in is paramount. Early warning systems play a crucial role here. They provide insights into potential threats to your organization and those you interact with and help you prioritize.

Just as crime can spread across neighboring physical communities, the same can happen in the digital world. Recognizing the 'bad neighborhoods' in the cyber landscape can help mitigate risks.

Conclusion: A Managed Problem, Not a Solved One

In conclusion, we can't outright 'solve' cybercrime. We can only manage it. Cyber threat prevention is, first and foremost, a social issue that can only be managed using technology. This includes recognizing the early warning signs and taking proactive steps to keep the problem from escalating.